A Wolf Müller & Cass. - Glade Runner (Tolouse Low Trax Remix)
B1 Wolf Müller & Cass. - Aiolos (Wolf Müller Version)
B2 Wolf Müller & Cass. - Aiolos (Cass.Version)
Wolf Müller & Cass. arrived with their mini-album 'The Sound Of Glades' on International Feel in early summer. A beautiful record comprising of natural percussion and long languid journeys for laying in fields and staring at skies. Following the 12 inch route we took with Len Leise and CFCF, we asked both Jan & Cass. to remix one of the tracks and also choose a remixer for a third rework....
'Glade Runner' on the A side features a remix by Salon Des Amateurs resident Tolouse Low Trax. If there is one club in the world we'd like to go to right now its the Salon in Düsseldorf. A place where the beats rarely go over 110bpm and they understand the meaning of the word groove. Detlef Weinrich aka Low Trax is very much in this world. His mix arrives from a slightly different place. Wonky insect sounding synths and a perfect bump and ride. Not really much music out there that sounds like this as it clearly comes from a place of experience and the music that he loves to play.
The B side is home to a version each by Wolf Müller and Cass. Müller's Wind Version of 'Aiolos' takes the original sound of the forests to the beach. Ibiza via Germany. Cass. takes the same track to a more mellow zone to round things off with his trademark drones & drifting vocals, light percussion and flanged drums...
A Wolf Müller & Cass. - Glade Runner (Tolouse Low Trax Remix)
B1 Wolf Müller & Cass. - Aiolos (Wolf Müller Version)
B2 Wolf Müller & Cass. - Aiolos (Cass.Version)