A1. "FBI"
A2. "Talking About Love"
A3. "Love, Love, Love"
A4. "Free Prison"
B1. "The Time Is Right To Leave The City"
B2. "Bad Deal"
B3. "Let Me Love You"
B4. "Keep On Running"
Who knew the Federal Bureau of Investigation maintained a front as a funk band? FBI (which supposedly stood for Funky Bands Inc., or so those investigative bureaucrats would like to claim) allegedly consisted of such false identities as Herscel Holder, Lloyd Smith, Lennox Meade and Raffi Pereira, and - in a startling move of the establishment co-opting counterculture into its own milieu - has its lead track decry the FBI. "You can't hide, so stop your supercoolin' groove, baby," urge the undercover feds. We don't buy it, FBI, but perhaps you will!