A1 Ugruvsteady
A2 Tayamum
A3 Nightshift (They All Say That)
B1 Karawitan Bubar
B2 Sains dan Teknologi
B3 Nohlamabad
¡ÆRekanan 1 / Rekanan 2¡Ç is the debut vinyl release of Indonesian mu- sic producer RMP. The A side was originally released as ¡ÆRekanan 1¡Ç back in July 2016 as a digital-only version to launch DIVISI62 - a Jakarta based sound and visual arts label initiated by a group of musicians and designers.
This vinyl version has ¡ÆRekanan 2¡Ç on the B side - a continued development of similar ideas and themes that highlights the perpetual exchange and crossover points of Asian and African heritage. Both the graphics and music were conceived by using samples and fragments from a wide range of sources.
A1 Ugruvsteady
A2 Tayamum
A3 Nightshift (They All Say That)
B1 Karawitan Bubar
B2 Sains dan Teknologi
B3 Nohlamabad