



A1. El Soplo
A2. Flux
B1. Basilea
B2. Es Dub


With Manuel Tur’s Es Cub LP just out and winning high praise from all corners of the electronic music press we present you DJ’s and vinyl aficionados with the second part of the two separate 12’s highlighting Manuel’s brilliant third album. As RA put in their review - “This is among the most seductive collection of house tracks so far this year.” In 2012 Manuel spent a year living in Ibiza, the birthplace of his father and somewhere he has always felt a strong connection with despite never having lived there. This period became something of a sabbatical, a year of orientation both privately and musically and despite managing to visit not one single club in his entire time there the esoteric and cabalistic nature of the island clearly became a big influence. Here in Part 2 things get off to a suitably raw and bumpy ride with El Soplo where a depth and certain majestic beauty are created from the simple, stripped back, rolling beats and flowing pads. Flux takes things in a more minimal direction with echoing percussion hits and plucked synth line giving a sense of space, the driving, the single note bass reminding us of the more techno side of say Ame or Baikal. Flipping over we have Basilia which picks up the tempo and pushes a single reverberating vocal hit to the front of the mix before we are introduced to the glassy chiming arpeggiations that have become Manuel’s signature sound for this LP. Finally, El Dub goes for a subaquatic vibe with a slow pace and dubby FX allowing us to get absorbed in the foggy haze Manuel creates with his thoughtfully conceived minimalism and minute attention to detail. Expect to be hearing much more from Manuel in the coming months. He has become in demand for his mixing skills, working regularly with Andre Hommen for Objektivity, Shit Robot for DFA and Marcus Worgull for Innervisions.

A1. El Soplo

A2. Flux

B1. Basilea

B2. Es Dub

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